BHBPA Awards 2024

By Artemis

Here at BSE|FM we are proud to be considered for a business award at this year’s BHBPA Business Awards Dinner, to be held at the prestigious AmEx Stadium in Brighton on Friday 24th May.

We have been active members of the Burgess Hill Business Parks Association (BHBPA) for many years, and we value our membership and the strong relationships we have built within the local business community. The BHBPA provides ongoing opportunities to network, support and keep in touch with like-minded local businesses, with the common goal of putting our local area firmly on the map.

We are continually grateful for the consistent support of BHBPA in running our Mid Sussex Science Week event, partnering local businesses with local schools every year.  BHBPA devote significant time to building partnerships, raising funds and helping to co-ordinate the event with us every year and their support is invaluable.

The BSE|FM team will be attending the event again this year and we are looking forward to a great night out.


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